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Physics: Energy 1


Students will study the fundamentals of how energy is stored within systems, and how it can be transferred from one object to another e.g. from a hot object to a cool object.

The main SMSC/Personal development content of this topic includes: PD15 – Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. PD20 – Working Scientifically Assessments and hinge questions as formative assessment.

The main UN Rights of a Child covered are No. 13 – Sharing thoughts freely and No. 29 – Aims of Education.

Example Key Words

Energy Store

When a system changes there is a change in the way energy is stored.


The unit of measurement for energy, shortened to J., written as joules.


The transfer of thermal energy through a material as particles vibrate.


The transfer of thermal energy through a liquid or gas.


Electromagnetic radiation emitted by a hot object.

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