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03 October 2024

Swan-Bites is a twice-weekly college bulletin for parents/carers. If you have any difficulties viewing Swan-Bites on a mobile device, please try a desktop/PC. We welcome any feedback or concerns via 

All Pupils

Simon Says – Parent Sign-Up Required

We are pleased to be welcoming Simon Says volunteers to Swanmore College on Tuesday 8 October 2024, to give a talk to parents/carers around supporting teenagers through grief. This session will run from 4 - 5pm and we have 25 places available. If this is something you would be interested in attending, please fill out this form by tomorrow, Friday 4 October to confirm your place.

Simon Says will cover:

  • Simon Says and what they offer
  • How do teenagers grieve, what is normal?
  • How to help a grieving teenager
  • Activities, books and resources
  • An opportunity to ask questions

Keeping Young People Safe Online

In-Game-chat: Video games are continuing to grow in popularity. The emergence of gaming communities has been accelerated by the inclusion of chat functionality across many different titles. While in-game chat isn’t inherently a bad thing, it can create some concerns about online safety and the people that children might be interacting with. The attached guide from the National College outlines some of the potential dangers from in-game-chat and provides some tips to parents on how to keep their children safe online, whilst still allowing them to have fun online.

Instagram: This is a highly popular social media platform with over 2 billion active monthly users. The attached guide from the National College presents information about potential risks for young people and gives advice to parents on how to protect young users from these risks.

Autism Workshop

Please see attached details of a free parent/carer workshop on autism that is being run by Osborne and Shepherd’s Down schools. This workshop will provide you with an insight into autism and how it affects your child. The aim is to provide you with a range of practical strategies to support your child in the home environment. Please see contact details on the flyer to book a place.

Year 7

Language Workshops

We would like to offer Year 7 parents/carers an opportunity to understand more about how we teach Languages here at Swanmore and how you can support your child through Year 7.

We hope to run the following sessions throughout this academic year:

Term 1 – Independent learning

Term 2 – Knowledge organisers and lesson structures

Term 3 – Experience learning a language yourself with a subject specialist

These sessions will take place in the evening to accommodate working/busy families. If you would be interested in attending any of these sessions, please register your interest by completing this form:

Once we have an idea of numbers, we will advise a date and venue. Any queries, please contact:

Year 8

There are no specific items for Year 8 only.

Year 9

There are no specific items for Year 9 only.

Year 10 & 11

KS4 Information Evening - Thursday 24 October

Parents/Carers of Y10 & 11 pupils are invited to an Information Evening on 24 October 2024 in the main hall at Swanmore College as follows:

Year 10 families - 5.00pm – 5.45pm

Year 11 families - 6.15pm – 7.00pm

The key aim of this short information packed session is to introduce you to the revision package that will be launched to support your child's upcoming mocks. The content varies for Year 10 and Year 11 families, so please do ensure you sign up to the session that is relevant to your child. You are very welcome to bring your child along to this event. 

  • Year 10 pupils have mock exams in November 2024.

Revision Package launch will be the week of 14 October to start a '4-week countdown' to the mocks.

  • Year 11 pupils have mock exams in January 2025.

Revision Package launch will be the week of 7 October to start a '10 week countdown' to the mocks.

You can use this link to sign up: KS4 Information Evening - Google Form

If you are not able to make the event, please be assured that we will share the relevant materials with you.

If you have any queries or questions, please contact Mrs Griffiths – Deputy Headteacher on:


Please note that any external clubs / events that are advertised here are not endorsed by or directly affiliated with Swanmore College in any way.

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