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Are all athletes ‘fit’?

Example Key Words

Normative Data

Data that is standardised and universal and all tests are compared against.

Quantitative Data

A measurement which can be quantified as a number, eg time in seconds or
goals scored. There is no opinion expressed (qualitative). It is a fact.

Qualitative Data

More of a subjective than an objective appraisal. Involving opinions relating to
the quality of a performance rather than the quantity (eg score, placing,

Dynamic Strength

Ability of a muscle or muscle group to undergo repeated contractions, avoiding fatigue.

Static Strength

static ability to hold a body part (limb) in a static position. Muscle length stays the same/maximum force that can be applied to an immoveable object

Fundamental British values

Democracy: Understanding how individuals physical fitness can answer the question if all athletes or ‘fit’.

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