Revisit AoS4, ‘Africa’ and AoS2
Further embed knowledge of the set work ‘Africa’ by Toto and its key features. Continue to work on appraising skills to develop greater confidence in Area of Study 2 and 4
Example Key Words
Melody | The sequence of musical notes arranged to form the main tune of the piece |
Articulation | How a note is directed to be played e.g. staccato (detached) or legato (smooth) |
Dynamics | The volume of the piece e.g. piano (quiet) or forte (loud) |
Tempo | The speed of the music e.g. Allegro (fast) or Lento (slow) |
Structure | The order of the sections in a piece of music e.g. Binary (AB) or Ternary (ABA) |
Harmony/Tonality | Harmony – How musical notes played at the same time work together e.g. dissonant (clashing) Tonality – The organisation of musical notes around a central note or scale. The key of the piece e.g. C major |
Instrumentation | The instruments which are used in a piece of music and their role |
Rhythm | The arrangement of different note lengths |
Texture | How different musical parts in a piece are layered and interact with each other |
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