Attendance - Every Day Matters
Important Information for Parents
Every day counts … Your child’s attendance matters!
Hampshire County Council Behaviour and Attendance Guidance
Absence Reporting
To report an absence please contact the College on 01489 892256 or via the following email addresses:
Good attendance is essential in supporting progress and continuity of learning. Therefore pupil absences need to be kept to the absolute minimum.
Pupil should be absent only if:
- there is a genuine illness;
- there is an unavoidable medical appointment which has to take place during school hours. Please make routine appointments after college or during the holidays;
- there are exceptional family/ personal circumstances which necessitate this.
The college does not normally authorise absence for pupils unless there are exceptional circumstances. We are afraid that we cannot accept cost of a holiday as an exceptional circumstance.
ALL reasons for absence will be meticulously checked.
Should you wish to make a request for an absence for exceptional circumstances please contact the college office who will provide you with the appropriate form.
Covid Guidelines for Parents/Carers
- Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
- Pupils may return to Swanmore College when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
- Children with a positive LFT result should isolate at home for 3 days. The day of the test result is Day 0.
- We are legally obliged to mark your child as absent, even if they are isolating and well enough to live lessons, as they are not physically on site.