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(Spanish) Languages, Technology, Free-time, Health, Charity

Example Key Words

It Interests Me

me interesa

It Bores Me

me abbure

I Think That

opino que

I Wish


I Agree

estoy de acuerdo

Fundamental British values

Importance of learning a foreign language
Awareness of different hobbies in French/Spanish speaking world

Cultural Capital

Individual liberty
Mutual respect
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

UN Rights of the Child

6 – Life, survival and development
15 – Joining up or setting up groups
17 – Access to information
24 – Health, water, food, environment
26 – Social and economic help
27 – Food, clothing and a safe home
28 – Access to education
29 – Aims of education
31 – Rest, play, culture, arts
33 – Protection from harmful drugs

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